Coaches Across Continents: #WhatsYourLegacy?
This project's parent organization is Coaches Across Continents
It operates in United States
It uses Football (Soccer) and Multiple sports
Winner of the
More about Coaches Across Continents: #WhatsYourLegacy?
Coaches Across Continents impacts over 10 million children from diverse backgrounds and 10 of the UN SDGs through our sport for social impact partnerships with governments, foundations, corporations, and community-based organizations in over 50 countries.
Over the past decade the Sport for Development space has evolved tremendously. CAC has evolved to serve these needs, from a “train the trainer” model in 2008 to our current abilities to provide year-round process consultancy through 28 strategic resources to create organizational transformation, professional development, and leadership training, impacting partnerships in 54 countries on 6 continents.
Our published methodology, year-round process consultancy, and Legacy partnerships create community, national, and global change. Our Education Outside the Classroom partnerships, while unique to each community, have proven successful across a diversity of social issues, UN SDGs, cultures, target populations, countries, genders, abilities, religions, and more.
Sport, when used systematically and purposefully, can be a powerful tool to challenge harmful traditional, religious, and cultural practices and achieve the UN SDGs. Coach