European Week of Sport Returns 23 September
September 10, 2021
For six years, the European Commission's European Week of Sport (EWoS) has helped tackle the inactivity crisis by encouraging Europeans to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. More than 71 million people across 42 countries and regions have joined in the Week’s activities since 2015.
Running from 23 to 30 September, the seventh edition of EWoS will kick off Lake Bled, Slovenia highlighting the power of physical activity to bring joy, build resilience and connect generations. The week-long celebration encourages everyone to take part in some sort of sporting activity no matter what age, demographic or ability level. It will launch in conjunction witih the new two-year HealthyLifestyle4All (HL4A) European Union initiative to link sport and active lifestyles with health, food and other policies at a time when obesity and inactivity are on the rise.
Sport Ireland, the National Coordinating Body for EWoS in Ireland hopes that this year’s event will inspire even more people than previous years to take part in sport. Its Chief Executive John Treacy said, “European Week of Sport is our yearly reminder to try and make sport and physical activity a healthy habit in our lives, a part of our daily routine. I encourage everyone to try at least one event, either virtually or in-person in accordance with the current guidelines. Sport has the power to bring us joy, let’s celebrate it this European Week of Sport.”
As part of the events, EuropeActive, which serves the European sector with the ambition to get more people, more active, more often, will present #BEACTIVE DAY on 23 September. Throughout the day, EuropeActive’s National Association Partners (NAS) will hold free events and activities in their respective countries.
Since its launch in 2018, the Be Active campaign has reached thousands of inactive adults and young people. It was inspired by the European Union-funded project National Fitness Days for Europe and the European Week of Sport to celebrate and promote the importance of physical activity on people’s physical, mental and social wellbeing. Last year’s #BEACTIVE DAY included over 3000 events held across Europe and involved 1,365,000 participants.
Floor Van Houdt, Head of Unit for Sport at the European Commission said, “The #BEACTIVE DAY campaign is an excellent initiative from EuropeActive and its partners which will further strengthen the European Commission’s #BEACTIVE message across Europe. Bringing people together to celebrate the fun of physical activity and helping people to become more active and lead a healthier life, is really what the European Week of Sport is all about.”
Key players of the fitness and physical activity sector, including health clubs, leisure centres, digital providers, club operators and exercise professionals, are encouraged to organise an event centered around physical activity to promote physical activity.
Information on European Week of Sport 2021 events by country and region can be found here.